Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What a Week

Have been knitting quite a lot but have been to busy to take pictures. I am about 3/4 finished with the Abby (cowl) and it is really looking nice. I think it is for me and I will love it. I do not like hat,scarve, or hoods on my head so I think this will be the answer. I can have it around my neck to keep it warm and then pull it over my head with I need it.

I am also working on a scarf that is really cute. Veteran's Day Laura, Mary, Shari and I were at Knitcraft and a couple of knitter's came in with them on. It is very easy and can be done with any yarn. I think I am going to felt it so will see how it comes out.

I have completed every thing I am going do for Christmas. I just do not have the time for anything else.

I have been very busy dealing with a family illness that I will not detail but it has been real eye opener. For those of you who do not at least a will get with it and get it done. I have realized that I have been extremely remise in not getting mine updated and getting a trust done. Do your family a favor. Let me tell you from experience that probate is not a good thing. When my husband died it cost me $2,000 to get my own money.

I am making the appointment with the attorney every soon to get my crap in order.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

It's OK to be Happy...Everyone else does it

OK..I realize that it is an unusual title today but this is my new montra. I have spent the last several years worrying about a lot of things I have not control over. Having a somewhat controlling personality that is must part of what I do, sometimes depending on what it is. I have had ups and downs in the job arena.

Don't get me wrong. I have been able to get work but much of it was not satisfying. It was just a job to sustain me financially. Now that I am in a more stable position and doing something I really like to do, tech writing, I am for satisfied. I like the people I work with and not having the extreme stress I have had on the last couple of contracts. The offset of less money is worth it.

Lately, I have been stressing about getting the money together for the house insurance and taxes that come due at the end of December. This in addition to personal property tax on the car and car insurance. Oh yes, throw Christmas in there also. Well, I am finished stressing about that. I can't spend any more time on this. It will all work out, it always does and I has taken up too much of my mental time.

Bottom line, I am happy with where I am right now and it is OK for me to enjoy being happy. I am going to practice HAPPY every day and give myself a break.

I have been having fun at work writing a user guide and passed the rough draft on to the client just so they could see the direction I was going. I got the most wonderful comments of "I LOVE this ....this is so much better than anything we have had....I wish you could write all of our stuff". To a writer this is very gratifying.

Also, my guy that always gets me his weekly status every week has finally cracked and I have brought him over to my side. This is very good because no one else has had this success with getting his status on time. Am I good or what?

Another good thing I learned this week is there is a fitness center in our building that is FREE to everyone...even contractors. So guess what I am going to be doing in the future? Since I get in fairly early and can leave about 3:30, I am going to start working out on my way out. Sweet!

I found a new Los Campos Mexican resturant on 350 hwy that I really like so now I have somewhere to get Mexican for lunch other tha Taco Bell. I have been to the one in Liberty and have always liked it.

I have hesitated to get on the scale lately because I have felt that I have eaten badly for the last month so I have not gone to WW either. I bit the bullet and got on the scale this morning and was down 2 lbs. I attribute this to the lower of my stress level. I certainly have not been exercising more. It could also be that I have been taking my lunch rather than eating out. Who knows...I really don't care. I am just happy I have not gained. Guess I feel comfortable going back to WW now.

OK...that is all of my happy talk for the day. On to other fun stuff.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

I had a very good day

Yesterday was an excellent day. I have been working now at my new contract for a month and a half now and I am liking it more all the time. It is the first time in a while I have been able to relax on the job and really dig in.

I was request to write a user guide for a new segment of an existing system. There was already some user stuff for other parts of the system that the users really do not like. I offered up my first drafts, which for a tech writer is difficult to share, since it is very rough. But the client I am doing it for really wanted to see it...so I sent it up.

I got word yesterday afternoon the the client really, really liked it and are excited about seeing the finished product. What a delight to have such positive feedback for a change. This after working my last in the past for a micro manager who gave very little feedback, much less positive.

It has been so much fun doing the work I really like for a change. The people I am working with now are really warm and inclusive to boot. The only draw back to this contract is the money is a lot less but as we all know there are trade-offs to everything. At this point, I feel it is worth it. This has been a big boost for me psychologically. A dollar amount cannot be placed on that.

OK on to the knitting stuff. I finished my vest that is taken an adapation from the Great Baby Alpaca vest. I used a Ashford worsted, which was a dream to knit with. I got it the last time I was in Columbia at Hill Creek Yarns. I would definitely use it again.

I am working on several other things I hope to get ready for Christmas. Mostly socks so they should go fast. I have three pair done and probably two or three to go. I can do socks pretty quickly go I my have time to get some done for myself along the way.

I am also working on the Abby cowl from Knitty


I am going to try it this winter as a head covering, since I have to park outside this year. I don't hats or hoods so this my be my solution. If I like it I may make a couple. It is an easy 18 row repeat and works up fast.

I am so excited that daylight savings time ends tonight. I am almost giddy. I don't know why it affects me so much but I hate it in the Spring when we spring forward and can't wait until it is time to fall back. It is worse this year since the fall back has been pushed back to November this year. I do pretty well once it starts but this time of year I start to get more irritable and I have a harder time focusing. When it is finally time to fall back I feel like all is right with the world. Not sure is it has to do with circadian rhythm or the fact that I am a night person but I am absolutely affected. I will be back to right tomorrow morning. Yeah! ! ! ! !