Sunday, January 28, 2007

I am back! ! !

Sadly, the Studio Retreat is over. Happily, it was so much fun. Laura, Carolyn, Chelle, and I had a blast.

As you can see, Laura wasted no time meeting new people. She is so friendly and helpful people are drawn to her.

Here Chelle, Carolyn, and I has some free time in Saturday afternoon so we took this time to do our freeform homework for the next days class. I think we all enjoyed learning more about freeform and we were very lucky to have Alie from The Studio as our instructor. I am looking forward to making a project using these techinques.

These next pictures are from the fashion shop after dinner Saturday night. Cindy's sweater was beautiful as is Alie's freeform the shawl.

I also love Staci's vest.

Thanks to all of The Studio staff for such a good time.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Hi Ho Hi Ho it is off to the retreat I go

Wow! ! I am finally ready to go to The Studio Retreat. The Elms Hotel here I come.

Still have not decided which yarns I am going to use for the freeform class. Have done no swatches or scrumbles but do I care....not at all. Will fit them in to the fun as I can. I know that I will become inspired just at the right time and all will go well. As you can see I am taking just about one skein of everything in my stash so I will have plenty to choose from. I initially tought I could do a pillow but have decided to do something on a sweatshirt. I have a gray one that I just got and accidently got some bleach on the sleeve so I think it will be a good candidate for freeform. Guess what? That is going to be the creative part and will probably be the most fun.

Sure am glad I took today off so I would get some things done before I go. Had to be at the chiropractor early this morning so I could get a frame alignment. Should have gone after the fall down the stairs but was just to busy. I feel two inches taller now.

I also went by the post office to send off my passport application. I had indended to get it when I was going on the ill fated cruise that never happened, thanks to hurricane Katrina. Just for review, my friend Susan and I had pland for 6 months to go on a cruise, out of New Orleans, which was schedule to depart the week Katrina hit. the cruise was cancelled and we did get full refund but it was still a huge disappointment. We are almost over it. So anyway, I decided to go ahead and get the passport just in case I had a wild hair someday an booked a trip to Europe or or somewhere exotic on the spur of the moment. You just never know when the opportunit will present itself.

The last errand I had this morning was to the Watkins store over on Linwood. It has been there forever and I always go there to get my spices and good Watkins vanilla. To my dismay, it is no longer there. The store was fun by a sweet little elderly man and his daughter. He must have passed away because the building is for sale. Fortunately, I can order online which is not as nice as visiting the store. They have this seasoning that I love for soups and vegetable. Interesting enough it is called Soup and Vegetable Seasoning. to the retreat. I will be excited to share the experience with you all.

Monday, January 22, 2007

As you can see things have been pretty relaxed at my house lately. Gracie is not too enthusiastic about contributing to the cleaning efforts. I keep trying to bribe her but she is not buying it

I am counting the days until the Knitting Retreat in Excelsior Springs, MO. Just thinking getting together with good friends to knit for the weekend and making new friends is exciting. I am taking Friday off so I can prepare. I have decided not to do any spa stuff but will take advantage of the indoor pool and hot tub. I am doing the freeform class and still have not selected my yarns as yet. This is something that I must work on tonight. I have so much to choose from but cannot decide if I want to do worsted or sock weight. I have a lot of left over sock yarn so that might be fun but I just have settled on anything. I am confident that I will figure it out by Friday.

Here is one of my latest projects using the Rowan Biggy that I bought at Knit Wits. It is really yummy to knit. It is very heavy so it will be extremely warm. This is good since I am not really into wearing coast. This should be nice to just throw on.

Also a work in progress is the second sock for this Trekking multi-color. I just love these. I enjoy the stripes but thought these would be a nice change. You never can have to many pairs of socks. I am almost to the point where I hate putting on my cotton store bought socks to ware to work. I think I am going to make some black ones next to add to my collection of work socks.

Both yarns are from my stash. So far I have been really good about staying on the Knit What You Got Diet. I did do the birthday buy but nothing since. Will see how long I can hold out.